LeadSafe Inspections and Consulting, Inc is a family owned business operated by Sharon Barr, ELI-0081. Located in Lincoln, RI, LeadSafe Inspections and Consulting, Inc.  is one of Rhode Island’s largest and oldest lead inspection companies. We provide quality lead inspection services at a fair price. Customer satisfaction is the cornerstone of our business.

“Leadsafe Inspections is committed to helping our customers navigate the lead inspection process as swiftly and painlessly as possible. Put our decades of experience in the field to work for you!”

Put our decades as landlords, lead contractors and lead inspectors to work for you.

Services LeadSafe Provides

  • Comprehensive Lead Inspections (paint, soil, dust and water sampling)
  • Lead Hazard Mitigation Certificate of Conformance Inspection (Minimum required for the rental registry)
  • Visual Evaluations
  • We teach the 8 hour RRP course
  • We teach the 4 hour RRP Renewal course
  • Coming soon: an updated 3 hour Lead Hazard Awareness Class.  Check back in Spring 2025!